Judgement Vs Men Accounting of You

2 min readMar 6, 2021

What is judgement? Where did judgement originate from? Who said something was ‘wrong’ or ‘right’? Where did these words come from? Did English bring them into being or were they just known? What was the first instance of judgement in the Bible? When God asked Adam and Eve what they had done, we realise that was the first instance of any kind of judgement and through that evil and good came into the world because previously it was only what was right that existed. Another thing is that, once that judgment of something wrong coming into being arrived, there was an overall consequence met unto them; they lost eternal life and were opened up to the concept of evil and being away from their source;God. In the same way, we come to know that judgement by men is them writing us off as either ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ based on what they have come to understand as true and what they have morally come to accept as right. Men accounting of us however, is them stating our deeds; either good or bad, but not writing us off as either ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. Accounting of, is like a testimony, however, not taking a firm stance. It is true therefore that judgement comes with the ability to validate what has been accounted for. However, the judgement passed may not be the right judgement met because one may know a set of laid-down knowledge and use that to judge but the Spirit is the one which judges. The question therefore is how exactly does one ensure the Spirit stays ruling over these mortal bodies which are just containers keeping us: the epitome of spirituality itself? Is it by constant meditation? Constant spending time with the word? No one ever promised living in a monastery would make one a monk. What are your thoughts?




When I think of how to make others smile, I think of how best to make sure that you are the best of yourself.